SS Ourang Medan’ı bulan ve en yakın limana götürmek için yedeğe alan Silver Star müerttebatı geminin kargo bölümüne girmeye çalışırken SS Ourang Medan’dan dumanlar çıkmaya başladığını farkedip, hemen gemiyi terk edip Silver Star’a dönerek iki gemiyi ayırırlar.


The details of the Dutch ship SS Ourang Medan are murky at best, but the generally accepted story is that sometime around 1947 or 1948, two American ships picked up the above distress call from the nearby SS Ourang Medan and rushed to find a ghost ship awaited them.

Based on the … 2015-12-1 The name, by the way, is in Indonesian: ourang means man and Medan is the name of the capital city of the North Sumatra province; so it translates roughly to "Man from Medan". The original sources of the story, however, are from relatively prestigious and reliable sources such as the Associated Press and the United States Coast Guard. 2019-8-28 Apa itu SS Ourang Medan SS Ourang Medan adalah sebuah kapal kargo milik Pemerintah Belanda yang terakhir diketahui berlayar dan akhirnya tenggelam di Selat Malaka pada tahun 1948. Walaupun bernama SS Ourang Medan, namun tidak diketahui tentang catatan sejarah, catatan pembuatan, asal atau tujuan kapal tersebut. Ourang Medan … 2021-3-20 · Answering these calls, the first rescue ship arriving to the struggling SS Ourang Medan came upon a confusing scene, they attempted to hail the “Ghost ship” their calls failed to get a response, so a boarding party was then organised. Climbing onto the vessel they found a horrifying sight, a scene which would forever put the mystery of the SS Ourang Medan into the pages of books about all 2020-5-15 2020-4-20 · In June of 1947, the Dutch vessel S.S. Ourang Medan was reportedly navigating the Marshall Islands in the Micronesian region of the Pacific Ocean when it sent out an unsettling transmission: “S.O.S.

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M/Y Joyita,1955. SS Baychimo i packisen. SS Valencia år 1900. Femmastade skonaren.

31 Jul 2017 Mereka pun akhirnya memutuskan mengirimkan sebuah kapal kecil untuk memeriksa kapal SS Orang Medan. Namun apa yang akan mereka 

Hence the name Ourang Medan literally means ‘Man from Medan.’ There are no records that back up this ascertain. Even Lloyd’s Shipping registers and the Dictionary of Disasters at sea 1824-1962 has found no mention of the Ourang Medan. In 1947 the Dutch Freighter SS Ourang Medan sent a cryptic SOS in Morse code; “All Officers, including the Captain, are dead. Lying in chartroom and bridge.

Ss orang medan

Lockfågelns Ss Baychimo SE13259/2021 långhårig grå, Hane, Ja. Lockfågelns Mary Lockfågelns Ourang Medan SE13263/2021 långhårig grå, Hane, Ja.

But here, the plot thickens again. Building off of Hargraves’ work, Andrew Hochheimer took a dive into the Ourang Medan — and one of his sources, Alexander Butzige of the book The Ourang Medan: Conjuring A Ghost Ship, seems to have located a news article that pegs a precise date to the mystery. The final and fourth oddity of the S.S. Ourang Medan was when the ships were tied together. The smoke was seen to be coming from the No.4 cargo hold of the freighter. This immediately made the Silver Star severe the tow rope attached to the now smoking ship. Just a few moments later, the S.S. Ourang Medan exploded with strong force.

Ss orang medan

Even Lloyd’s Shipping registers and the Dictionary of Disasters at sea 1824-1962 has found no mention of the Ourang Medan. On June 27, 1947, in the South Seas The SS Ourang Medan sent an SOS call and asked at the same time for a doctor to be sent.
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Ss orang medan

SS Ourang Medan’ın tüm mürettebatı ve kaptanı, geminin farklı yerlerinde gözleri açık, suratlarında bir şok ifadesi ile kaskatı kesilmiş halde yatıyordu, hepsi ölmüştü. Dışarıdan gözüken ölümcül bir yaraları olmayışı olayı daha da tuhaf hale getirdi. Subscribe to Strange Stories : : February, 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near In Le SS Ourang Medan est un supposé vaisseau fantôme qui, d'après de nombreuses sources, est devenu une épave dans les eaux indonésiennes après que son équipage au complet soit mort dans d'étranges circonstances entre 1947 et 1948 suivant les sources [1]. Se hela listan på The details of the Dutch ship SS Ourang Medan are murky at best, but the generally accepted story is that sometime around 1947 or 1948, two American ships picked up the above distress call from the nearby SS Ourang Medan and rushed to find a ghost ship awaited them.

It was said by the attempted rescuers that they had been scared to death.
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The S.S Ourang Medan situation is as mysterious as the date when it occured. Star receiving and responding to the S.S. Orang Medan distressed signal.

S.S. Ourang Medan var ett nederländskt fraktskepp som sägs varit med om en Ett av de amerikanska fartygen, Silver Star, lokaliserade Ourang Medan och  Out of all the stories of ghost ships out there, the demise of the SS Ourang Medan is perhaps the most notorious. The myth has it that in 1947 a distress call from a cargo ship off the coast of Indonesia was received: All officers including captain are dead lying in the chatroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead. Today I tell you the story of the Ourang Medan. A ghost ship that is shrouded in mystery and unexplained phenomena. This ship was said to be discovered with all its crew dead under unexplainable circumstances.